Smarter way to find vacation rentals & exchange vacation homes

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Discovering your vacation home rental network

It all started when Brent Hieggelke and his wife bought a vacation home in Government Camp, Oregon. While the Hieggelkes enjoyed their new vacation home on Mt. Hood, they soon found their second home required a considerable amount of maintenance, even when they were away. They also wanted some variety in their vacation destination, and tried a home exchange with a beach house owner.

That's when Brent had the idea for Second Porch. helps users tap into their personal connections to help them find quality vacation home rentals in the vacation locales they want. Now the keys to the vacation rental castle are just a click away with and your Facebook profile. Second Porch allows you to rent and trade vacation homes with your Facebook friends, instead of dishing out dough on expensive hotels.

Second Porch has enjoyed spectacular media coverage having been featured in the New York Times Sunday Travel section, The Chicago Tribune Real Estate section, Sunset Magazine 2010 Travel "It" list, along with, Shape Magazine, TechCrunch, Fast Company, and much more.

Vacation rentals: Giving hotels a run for their money

In this economic climate, vacation rentals are on the rise. In the U.S. alone, this cottage industry coined a cool $24 billion last year. Vacation rentals are even going to be featured in a Superbowl ad by HomeAway this year. The vacation rental industry is on the move.


In other words, when in Rome, why not stay in a Roman home?

Sure, you can scrunch your family into a hotel room for a few hundred a night, but who'd opt for that when you can spread out in a vacation home or condo with two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, dining area and common space -- and for the same cost?


Listing a vacation rental in the Second Porch Facebook app is fast, free and easy. Plus, the choices are virtually endless and growing daily. Add a network of vacation homes, rentals and homes for exchange to your Facebook profile in minutes.

Second Porch: Taking the guesswork out of finding the right vacation rental

We provide something no other website offers: A more comfortable way to find vacation rental homes people can be confident about renting -- the homes owned or recommended by friends, friends of friends or colleagues.

—Brent Hieggelke

If you've ever searched for a vacation rental or home exchange online, then you know how iffy the process can be. You don't know what condition the vacation rentals are in, nor who the vacation homeowners are. Second Porch takes the guesswork out by allowing users to share rental research, reviews and recommendations right on their Facebook profile. With Second Porch and Facebook, you'll find trusted vacation rentals from trusted friends.

Second Porch and Facebook - a match made in Heaven! Brian (Dublin)


Brent Hieggelke

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